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Monday, March 16, 2009


I like to think of myself as a positive and optimistic person, but then yesterday I realized I'm a pretty good procrastinator also. It was the 15Th of the month just one day before I would be accessed late charges on my mortgage, so I sat at my computer at 6:00 PM and made my payment. It wasn't that I didn't have the money , it was because of distractions and thinking I had plenty of time; any way that's my excuse. January 1st of this year I made my payment right on the due date, but each month since then I keep putting it off. I guess I need some divine intervention in this area.
On special occasions like birthdays and wedding anniversaries I used to totally forget them, now I remember them but wait until the last hour to plan a gift or outing for the occasion. I like to call this progress, which is simply living life to the best of my ability.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

First blog post

This is my first blog post. It has been almost two years since I first started thinking about doing a blog. It took me a little longer than 15 minutes to set this up, but that's OK . The next step is to gather my thoughts and start writing.
It's about life and how it's lived everyday, most day's I can deal with it, but on those day's that I can't it gets tough to go the 24 hours. My support is my wife , two sons, two stepdaughters and their children. Also my mother and seven brothers and sisters have had an influence on the way I live my life. The bible is the most important book in my home, it is what gives me guidance every day.
I encourage you to join with me and simply live life everyday to the best of your ability.