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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Made for birthing Deer

Living in the bitteroot valley area of Missoula Montana we come in contact with lots of wildlife.Often deer would be walking in the street or through a yard and eating whatever tasted good to them. All photos below were taken in our yard ..

  Our house is in the middle of a small subdivision, on the same two block area as a public school on one end and a mega church on the other. Almost daily we would see deer walking by in our front yard.

About twelve years ago it was a very snowy winter and the deer were prowling thru our yard for food. They would go along tree lines and fences in the back yard to find anything green to eat. We don't have a very large lot only 80'x150' but I have planted a lot of trees and one apple tree which they love. Many of the apples that had bad spots in them I would save and throw out to the deer in the winter for food.
Since deer are creatures of habit they would leave and wander around for a bit and then always come back. Almost daily I would go out on the back deck and there would be at least one and many times three or four laying under a tall bush. There are three flowering trees in a triangle shaped area just off the deck where they like to bed down. It gives them shelter in the winter and shade in the summer.

The first time I saw one in the yard I tried to scare it away, but not for long, the next morning it was back and laying beside her was a baby fawn. Yearly since that time we have had several fawn born in our back yard. On two occasions they had twins, I think they feel safe in a meadow like area with some tall grass and trees around. Our lot was bare when we built our home and planted all the trees and shrubs. I love doing the landscape work at our home, and I never thought it would turn out to be a haven for the deer population.

Earl Baldwin

Monday, March 6, 2017

Passing of time

It has bee a little more than 3years since my last post, and I had a lapse of memory as to what sites I had online. Going back and cleaning a lot of junk mail and programs from my computer I found some blogs and websites that have been dormant since 2013. Many of my programs that I had purchased were still active even tho I haven't used them. This blog is one . It has been a challenge because I had downloaded all kinds of free articles and  low cost programs, searching for anything that would make me money. I even bought websites that I had no idea how to manage them, so they just expired and disappeared, and now this is what I have been working on the last few weeks. I am sure many others have done the same thing and can relate.

As life would have it I have found myself staying at home and being a caregiver for my spouse, due to an auto accident.  Therefore I am having much more time to be online. Still searching for that one  product that I feel is right for me. I have found several successful people who are mentoring me  in my personal and computer skills, which is another reason why I am cleaning the junk off my computer. I am realizing how important it is to have a master mind group to guide me so I don;t repeat the same process over again.
Her is To Our Successes
Earl Baldwin