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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cigarette Bums and butts

I've about had it with people ( I'll call them bums) who pick cigarette butts out of ash cans and garbage pails.

My two apartment buildings set on 3/4 of the block with a parking lot connecting them. I house about 32 handicapped residents between the two buildings. Being the caretaker for both properties I am also responsible for the security of and around the buildings.We have a no smoking policy inside the building, so all smokers must go outside.

Two years ago I had a neighbor who was on some type of hardship assistance come by the front of the building and collect any cigarette butts in the ash cans.This soon became an every day occurrence even through the winter. He must of told his friends about his new discovery because over the next few months three more bums were stopping by at different times collecting butts.

I have about twenty different health care staff come and service their client residents on a daily basis so you can imagine how many cigarettes get smoked. Often when they are on a smoke break they will get a call and have to put out a freshly lit or half smoked cigarette.That makes my buildings a prime target for the butt collectors.

Early this spring I noticed a car pulling in and park in the lot and three guys and a lady got out and went around both buildings collecting butts (I have 6 butt cans), got back in their car and left. I decided then I would go out several times during the day and empty them into the trash can under the ash tray. Lately I notice several people riding there bikes around to each butt can. If the tray is empty they will pull the ash tray off the trash can and dig them out of the garbage.

The butt traffic is increasing and causing a nuisance to the residents and staff. Now I go out with a small pail and empty the ash trays, then dispose of them in the inside dumpster. Since my corporate won't buy disposable butt containers, I will just have to keep the ash trays as empty as possible. If the butts aren't there they can't collect them.

Earl Baldwin