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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The busy sunday

Does it really matter that much what we do on Sunday?
 YES I believe it does.

I don't usually go shopping on Sunday, but I needed a few items from the grocery store, so when I got to the parking lot it was so full I had a hard time finding a vacant spot. Then inside it was even worse, I could not go down an aisle without bumping into someone or waiting just to turn into the next aisle. About an hour later when I got back home I could not stop thinking about how rushed and rude people were. I told my wife whatever happened to Sunday being a day of rest?

It seems to me we are so occupied with doing things like work, meetings, playing, socializing and whatever that we don't have any time left to rest, which we need to replenish our bodies.
God made us so that we need rest. I believe we need to recharge our emotions and energy just by being quiet or reconnecting in our relationship with God. The sabbath is the day set by God as the day of rest.

God rested on the seventh day not because He was tired, but because He had completed His work. If we have our priorities set in the right order we can also take a day of rest and replenish our bodies with what's needed.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
 Be intentional about taking your Sabbath, spend time with God, and make it count!