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Sunday, May 3, 2009

On the job

I started a new job in April of last year as a caretaker for two buildings for people who have disabilities.The job intales keeping the building and grounds clean, checking and maintaining operating equipment, stocking toiletry supplies, doing maintenance repair issues, and general monitoring of the building. With three years of rental maintenance under my belt I thought this job would be a breeze. I was wrong.
There had been five different caretakers before me in the last three years, and none of them had done any maintenance to speak of. So to start my first week off, the main hot water tanks went out and we went a week with only limited warm water for showers. Then I had a stack of maintenance requests (72) for the tenants apartments. The cleaning was another big issue to deal with. One month later we had to do a major repair on the roof. This pattern of cleaning, repairs, and never ending maintenance requests has lasted all year, but now I feel like I have a handle on most of it. The buildings are fairly new (16 years) and are brick, so the structures are in good condition.
Several acts of vandalism has taken place in both of the buildings over the last year. These have usually happened in the middle of the night, and because I am on call 24/7 I have been woke up at many early morning hours. Just last week we had a fire out on the second floor deck, and this week a tenant flooded her apartment by forgetting to turn off the water to the shower with the drain being plugged.
I am not complaining, just trying to give you a glimpse into my job as a caretaker. I work for a corporation who has buildings all across the U.S..I am my own boss and have random visits to my site by the regional property managers. My last inspection went good and I feel confident in the work I am doing. I will continue to simply live life as it comes even at work.

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